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Updated report on "Standard Configurations for Unsteady Flow Through Vibrating Axial-Flow Turbomachine-Cascades"

Status as of July 1991

Compiled by T. H. Fransson and J. M. Verdon

Appendix A2: Key to read the input files for the plot program "AEROEL"


1 Different Representation Possibilities back to the top

The plot program used for the Standard Configurations can give 10 different representations for each standard configuration, namely:

2 Input Values for the Plot Program "AEROEL" back to the top

2.1 Information in the Beginning of all Files back to the top

It should be pointed out that the file is formatted, so the exact position of all the information is important. Integers must thus be positioned as justified to the right.

Line 1: General information

Line 2: Types and quantity of plots desired.

Note that in the following all plots of a certain type must follow each other, and that it is not possible to mix plots of different types.

2.2 Plot-types 1, 8 and 9 back to the top

Lines 3-5: General information

Line 6: Scales on y-axis

Line 7:

Lines 8-8a: Experimental data on the blade upper surface

Line 9:

Lines 10-10a: Idem lines 8-8a, but on the blade lower surface.

Line 11: Indication about prediction model or end of results.

Lines 12-12a: Results from prediction model in the same format as the data apart from the fact that it is assumed that the prediction models use the same number of points on each blade surface. The upper surface results are first given, and thereafter the lower surface results.


Line 13: Indication about parameters to be written on the plot.

Lines 14-14a: Indication about values of the parameters on the plot.

1: c2: t3: g4: xa5: ya6: M17: b18: i
9: M210: b211: hx12: hy13: a14: w15: k16: d
17: s18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24:
25: 26: 27: 28: s29: 30: 31: x32:
33: 34: d
Table A2.1: Key to list of parameters on each plot.

Return to line 3 and repeat the information for a total of N1, N8 or N9 times.

2.3 Plot-type 2 back to the top

Lines 3-5: General information

Line 6:

Lines 7-7a: Experimental data on the blade upper surface For all standard configurations apart from number 4:

-> This line is repeated until all NPLOT values are given.

For standard configuration 4: -> This line is repeated until all NPLOT values are given.

Line 8:

Lines 9-9a: Idem lines 7-7a, but on the blade lower surface.

Line 10: Scales on y-axis

Line 11: Indication about prediction model or end of results.

Lines 12-12a: Results from prediction model in the same format as the data apart from the fact that it is assumed that the prediction models use the same number of points on each blade surface. The upper surface results are first given, and thereafter the lower surface results.


Line 13: Indication about parameters to be written on the plot.

Lines 14-14a: Indication about values of the parameters on the plot.

Return to line 3 and repeat the information for a total of N2 times.

2.4 Plot-type 3 back to the top

Lines 3-5: General information

Line 6:

Lines 7-7a: Experimental data on the blade surface

Line 8: Scales on y-axis

Line 9: Indication about prediction model or end of results.

Lines 10-10a: Results from prediction model in the same format as the data.


Line 13: Indication about parameters to be written on the plot.

Lines 14-14a: Indication about values of the parameters on the plot.

Return to line 3 and repeat the information for a total of N3 times.

2.5 Plot-types 4, 5, 6 and 10 back to the top

Lines 3-5: General information

Line 6: Symbol and scale on horizontal axis

Line 7:

Lines 8-8a: Experimental data as function of the parameter chosen

Line 9: Scale on vertical axis

Lines 11-11a: Results from prediction model in the same format as the data.


Line 12: Indication about parameters to be written on the plot.

Lines 13-13a: Indication about values of the parameters on the plot.

Return to line 3 and repeat the information for a total of N4, N5, N6 or N10 times.

2.6 Plot-type 7 back to the top

Lines 3-5: General information

Line 6: Symbol and scale on horizontal axis

Line 7: Scale to the left of vertical axis (cw)

Line 8:

Lines 9-9a: Experimental data as function of the parameter chosen For all standard configurations apart from number 4:

Line 10: Scale to the right of vertical axis (X)

Line 11: Indication about prediction model or end of results.

Lines 12-12a: Results from prediction model in the same format as the data.


Line 13: Indication about parameters to be written on the plot.

Lines 14-14a: Indication about values of the parameters on the plot.

Return to line 3 and repeat the information for a total of N7 times.